Climate & Environmental Action
General Expectations
Strong climate and environmental management are fundamental business responsibilities and success factors. At Autoliv we do not intend to simply follow market practices: we want to be a leader. To demonstrate and underpin this ambition, we have set clear climate ambitions:
- To be carbon neutral in our own operations by 2030
- Net-zero GHG emissions across our supply chain by 2040
To meet these ambitions, we must work in partnership with all members of our supply chain. We expect rigorous adherence to all environmental laws and regulations by all suppliers, supported by identification of relevant environmental impacts through strong environmental management systems, with applicable certifications where necessary and following applicable reporting requirements. We encourage all suppliers to adhere to ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems).
Autoliv expects all suppliers to systematically assess, measure, and continuously reduce their environmental impact in key areas such as energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, water, waste, and air quality. Whenever possible we will share our ideas and experiences, and we expect the same openness from all suppliers.
Chemical Management
All suppliers must have clear procedures to enable identification and management of chemicals to ensure safe handling, movement, storage, use, recycling, and disposal.
All suppliers must identify, minimize, or eliminate the use of restricted materials. To meet these requirements, all suppliers must establish programs (International Material Data System) to collect data from their own component manufacturers, identifying all chemicals used which are classified as restricted substances according to local laws or common automotive industry standards.
Energy & Greenhouse Gas Emissions
All suppliers must set appropriate targets, aligned with Autoliv’s climate ambitions, and be able to demonstrate and report on progress toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions within their own operations and throughout their own supply chain.
All suppliers must have an energy management program with goals for significant efficiency improvements and a program for increasing the use of renewable energy.
Natural Resources & Waste Management
All suppliers must set waste reduction targets and have plans in place for reduction, reuse, recovery, recycling, and disposal. Waste must be handled and disposed of methods which protect the health and safety of employees as well as the environment.
All suppliers must be able to demonstrate their planning and actions to increase the use of sustainable and renewable resources in an efficient manner such that waste and residual products are minimized over the product’s life cycle. All suppliers are expected to apply relevant eco-design and circularity principles in their design and manufacturing, also taking into account end-of-life treatment.
Water & Air Quality
All suppliers must assess their water usage and develop a program for water preservation and usage reduction and adequately treat wastewater discharges.
Air quality shall be routinely monitored across a supplier’s operations, and plans should be developed to minimize emissions.
Air quality emissions include for example volatile organic compounds (VOCs), corrosives, particulate matter (PM), ozone-depleting substances, air toxins, and combustion by-products generated across operations.