Do you consider yourself a safe driver?
The answer to this may vary greatly, depending on what you put in to the definition of safe driving. Ultimately, safe driving means that you never are in a crash or that you never are the cause of a crash.
But to gain an outside in understanding, Autoliv interviewed 100 private drivers in USA, 100 drivers in Sweden and 100 drivers in India, to see what they thought about safe driving. The same questions were asked for the different regions, and a number of criteria were put on the one’s chosen to be interviewed:
- Each interviewee should have a drivers license
- Each interviewee should be the owner of a smartphone
- Interviewees between ages 18-74 years were randomly selected and approached
Questions asked in this study were mainly of explorative nature and open-ended to get a true position and perception of the one being interviewed. To start off with, we see that most drivers would identify themselves as safe drivers. On asking a question regarding if you are a safe driver, without giving any indication of the definition of
safe driving, we see the following output:

In creating more understanding of what the interiviewees think and feel related to safe driving, we asked the question of what their associations to safe driving are. From one of the countries the following was expressed:
- Attention
- Patient
- Responsible
- Follow traffic laws
- Wears a seatbelt
- Etc
In the same interview, the respondent also expressed that many of them would like to drive a car more safely, as seen below:
We see that drivers in general see themselves as safe, but at the same time they also have the desire to increase their safety. We see a tight correlation between the drivers ability to be safe and the emotions they feel when on the road. In a question asked addressing top emotions they feel whilst driving, the top three answers were given:
- Relaxation/Calmness
- Joy
- Interest/Curiosity.
The takeaway Safety means different things for each individual, but in essence everyone has the desire to become more safe and be viewed in terms of those lenses as well. It is important to note that every individual driver has a certain position that can at times be subjective as well as objective.
It is this position that counts when forming a service for them. A service that at the end of the day will save your company money and at the same time offer something unique to the driver.
At Autoliv, we are working hard in protecting your safety every day, but also to build safety insights in new ways that can be unique and adopted by you and your services to your customers.
Reach out to us to find out more at sales@autoliv.com